
Interested in trying out AISpace2? Get started here.

Start Here!

We’re happy to have you here. Follow the steps below and you’ll learn how to get setup with Jupyter and the AISpace2 extension. We highly recommend using a modern and up-to-date browser for the best experience, such as the latest versions of Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Safari.

Install Locally

Current version: 0.8.11.

  1. You need to have Python 3 and Node.js for AISpace2,

    When Installing Python on Windows, make sure you select "Add Python to Path". This is very important!

    Installing Python on Windows
    Installing Python on Windows

    you can check whether you have Python 3 and Node.js by running

    python --version
    node --version

    If it does not output a version number, that means you don't have the corresponding package installed.

    Note that you need to have your Python version at least 3.3 and Node.js version at least 10.0.0.

  2. Download AISpace2 and unzip the file in the folder where you want to store it.
    • Windows: Right click on the installation scripts installScriptsWindows.bat inside the /installScripts/ directory and choose Run as administrator (enter y to confirm if prompted).
    • MacOS or Linux: Run the following command lines (enter y to confirm if prompted):
      sh /PATH/TO/FOLDER/installScripts/


  1. After the installation, the JupyterLab will automatically open.

    In the future if you want to run AISpace2, simply run the following command line:

    jupyter lab

    in the /AISpace2/ (not /aispace2/) directory.

    (Or, for Windows, simply right click on the run-AISpace2 scripts runAISpace2ScriptsWindows.bat inside the /installScripts/ directory and choose Run as administrator.)

  2. After opening AISpace2 in the browser, you can find the file browser in the left sidebar Files tab.

    left sidebar Files tab
    left sidebar Files tab
    Double-click on the /notebooks/ directory, you will find all the notebooks (*.ipynb files). To enter any sub-directory or open any file, just double-click on its name in the file browser.

  3. Please check Tutorial for more Notebook-related questions.

Browser Compatibility

Click here to check browser compatibility for the Jupyter Notebook.


In construction. Stay tuned!


If you locally installed an old version of AISpace2. You can upgrade it to the current version by uninstalling the old version (instructions below) and then re-installing the new version.


We are sad to see you go, but uninstalling AISpace2 is as simple as running the following one command line:

jupyter labextension uninstall aispace2

Of course, you may then choose to delete the whole AISpace2 directory as well.

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