
The details of AISpace2.

Don't be scared by tons of information here!

Basically AISpace2 is designed to be very easy and friendly to use — you can skip this page and go play with it first and then go back here when you encounter any troubles or questions. If your question is not resolved here, please send it to help@aispace.org.

Table of Contents


Here are some common instructions about AISpace2.


JupyterLab is based on and very similar to Jupyter Notebook, a web-based and interactive computing notebook environment. If this is your first time using JupyterLab and you have not used Jupyter Notebook before, we particularly recommend getting yourself familiarize with Jupyter Notebook Basics and JupyterLab Interface to quickly get up to speed. Notice that we will only provide the support for JupyterLab and you might encounter unexpected behaviors if you use AISpace2 in Jupyter Notebook. (What's the difference between JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook? See here.)


Main visualizations controls


You can resize the height of the visualization by dragging the resize handle () in the bottom right corner. The width of the visualization can be changed by resizing the window. In either case, the nodes will reposition themselves until they all fit on screen.

Visualization Options


Three tools are provided for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs): arc consistency algorithm, converting CSP to a search problem, and stochastic local search (SLS).


— To-do arc: the arc needs to be checked to see whether it is consistent.

— Consistent arc: the arc is consistent.

— Inconsistent arc: the arc is not consistent.

— Domain-splittable variable: the variable whose domain can be split is outlined in purple.

You can click on any blue or red arc to perform arc consistency algorithm on that arc. When you use Fine Step, Step, Auto Arc Consistency or Auto Solve buttons, a random arc is chosen. After arc consistency is finished, the domain can be slipt if needed. The domain will be automatically split into half if it is in auto solving mode. If it is not in auto solving mode, you can click on a node to split its domain.

Supported Classes

Con_solver, SLSearcher

Included Problems

We have included several pre-defined example problems for your convenience. Some of the problems are the examples discussed in the textbook. Some of these problems are the same as those in AIspace. You may view the details of these problems in /aipython/cspProblem.py.

Construct Problems Yourself

Apart from the included problems, you can also construct various CSP problems by yourself. The simplest way is to use the CSP builder in /notebooks/csp/csp_builder.ipynb to help you generate a CSP problem visually. Alternatively, You can use the CSP class defined in /aipython/cspProblem.py to construct a CSP problem, which includes

The positions is useful when you want the nodes to be located at a certain place when rendered on canvas in the notebook. You can get the positions of nodes on the canvas by using Print Positions button. You can refer to the file for a more precise definition and some examples of problem construction.

One example of constructing a CSP is illustrated below. This example contructs csp_simple2, a simple CSP.

csp_simple2 = CSP({'A': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'B': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'C': {1, 2, 3, 4}},
                  [Constraint(('A', 'B'), LessThan),
                   Constraint(('B',), NOT(Equals(2))),
                   Constraint(('B', 'C'), LessThan)],
                  positions={"A": (374, 351),
                             "B": (481, 168),
                             "C": (591, 345),
                             "LessThan('A', 'B')": (379, 231),
                             "LessThan('B', 'C')": (586, 225),
                             "NOT(Equals(2))('B',)": (484, 288)})


Planning problems can be represented in STRIPS form and can be solved either by converting to a search problem or converting to a CSP problem.

Supported Classes

Forward_STRIPS, Regression_STRIPS

Included Problems

We have included several pre-defined example problems for your convenience. Some of the problems are the examples discussed in the textbook. Some of these problems are the same as those in AIspace. You may view the details of these problems in /aipython/stripsProblem.py.

Construct Problems Yourself

Apart from the included problems, you can also construct various planning problems by yourself. You can use the Planning_problem class defined in /aipython/stripsProblem.py to construct a planning problem, which includes

A STRIPS_domain furthur includes

The positions is useful when you want the nodes to be located at a certain place when rendered on canvas in the notebook. You can get the positions of nodes on the canvas by using Print Positions button. You can refer to the file for a more precise definition and some examples of problem construction.

One example of constructing a planning problem is illustrated below. This example contructs strips_delivery1, a STRIPS problem modeling a robot delivery system.

boolean = {True, False}

delivery_domain = STRIPS_domain(
    feats_vals={'RLoc':{'cs', 'off', 'lab', 'mr'}, 'RHC':boolean,
                'SWC':boolean, 'MW':boolean, 'RHM':boolean},
     'mc_cs':  Strips({'RLoc':'cs'}, {'RLoc':'off'}),
     'mc_off': Strips({'RLoc':'off'}, {'RLoc':'lab'}),
     'mc_lab': Strips({'RLoc':'lab'}, {'RLoc':'mr'}),
     'mc_mr':  Strips({'RLoc':'mr'}, {'RLoc':'cs'}),
     'mcc_cs': Strips({'RLoc':'cs'}, {'RLoc':'mr'}),
     'mcc_off':Strips({'RLoc':'off'}, {'RLoc':'cs'}),
     'mcc_lab':Strips({'RLoc':'lab'}, {'RLoc':'off'}),
     'mcc_mr': Strips({'RLoc':'mr'}, {'RLoc':'lab'}),
     'puc':    Strips({'RLoc':'cs', 'RHC':False},
     'dc':     Strips({'RLoc':'off', 'RHC':True},
                      {'RHC':False, 'SWC':False}),
     'pum':    Strips({'RLoc':'mr','MW':True},
     'dm':     Strips({'RLoc':'off', 'RHM':True},

strips_delivery1 = Planning_problem(prob_domain=delivery_domain,
        initial_state={'RLoc':'lab', 'MW':True, 'SWC':True,
                       'RHC':False, 'RHM':False},

Bayesian Network

A Bayesian Network (BN) provides a model of conditional dependence among a set of random variables. You can make observations and query for the probabilities in our BN.

Supported Classes


Included Problems

We have included several pre-defined example problems for your convenience. Some of the problems are the examples discussed in the textbook. Some of these problems are the same as those in AIspace. You may view the details of these problems in /aipython/probGraphicalModels.py.

Construct Problems Yourself

Apart from the included problems, you can also construct various belief network problems by yourself. You can use the Belief_network class defined in /aipython/probGraphicalModels.py to construct a belief network problem, which includes

The positions is useful when you want the nodes to be located at a certain place when rendered on canvas in the notebook. You can get the positions of nodes on the canvas by using Print Positions button. You can refer to the file for a more precise definition and some examples of problem construction.

One example of constructing a Bayesian network is illustrated below. This example contructs bn_simple1, a simple belief network.

bn_simple1 = Belief_network([A, B, C], [f_a, f_b, f_c], positions={
    "A": (474, 199),
    "B": (427, 310),
    "C": (546, 295)})


Here are some frequently asked questions that may help you.

What's the relationship between AIspace and AISpace2?

AIspace is a set of Java applets for learning and exploring concepts in artificial intelligence. They can be downloaded and run locally. AISpace2, an open source project and the next generation of AIspace, is an extension for Jupyter and contains a set of Jupyter notebooks, which can be run in the browser.

Both AIspace and AISpace2 use similar visualizations, but in AIspace the user was not able to see the code and might have hard time understanding what is going on in the background. AISpace2 aims to integrate the code with interactive visualizations that are easy for students to extend and allow students to modify the AI algorithms. In order to make this process more smoothly, in AISpace2 we separate the algorithms (inside /aipython/) from visualizations (inside /aispace2/ and /js/) and the user can refer to and change the algorithms when they want to.

AIspace: Java applets
AISpace2: Jupyter notebooks

What's the relationship between AISpace2 and AIPython?

AIPython is the Python code for the pseudocode found inside the accompanying textbook; it can run independently without AISpace2 and Jupyter. AISpace2 takes the code from AIPython and enhances it to work inside Jupyter, allowing for a more easily understandable and friendly user interface and rich visualizations to accompany code.

In order to make this possible, 2 major modifications have to be made in AIPython, which make the source code you find in AISpace2 not exactly the same as AIPython. The 2 changes are summarized below. Apart from these 2 modifications, other things are almost identical.

  1. The addition of the @visualize decorator: All functions that you call directly on the instance to be visualized in Jupyter Notebook must have their definitions annotated with @visualize. For example, if we had the following class:

    class Example():
      def bar(self):
      def foo(self):

    and there was a cell inside Jupyter Notebook like this:

    e = Example()

    Then foo() would have to be annotated with @visualize, because it is called directly on the instance inside a cell; but bar() wouldn't need to be annotated, because it is only called indirectly by foo(). Annotating foo() is as simple as adding a single line right above the declaration:

      def foo(self):

    On the other hand, if you also wanted to call e.bar() directly (either in the same cell or another), you would have to also add @visualize to bar() as well.

    The reason why this is necessary is to support interacting with visualizations. AISpace2 needs to know which functions will drive the visualization, so that it can set things up correctly.

  2. Change in imports: Displayable subclasses are imported from aipython.utilities in AIPython, but are inherited from aispace2.jupyter.* inside AISpace2, where * depends on the algorithm being visualized (e.g. * can be search or csp). The @visualize decorator is also imported from aispace2.jupyter.*.

    The reason why this change is necessary is that these specialized Displayable classes have hooks that allow it to be displayed inside Jupyter.

What's the relationship between Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab?

Jupyter Notebook is a web application for interactive notebook document format which combines explanatory text, mathematics, computations and their rich media output. JupyterLab is the next generation of Jupyter Notebook, and it is served from the same server and uses the same notebook document format as the classic Jupyter Notebook.

JupyterLab enables you to work with documents and activities such as Jupyter notebooks, text editors, terminals, and custom components in a more flexible, integrated, and extensible manner. Moreover, JupyterLab has a side file explorer and you can arrange multiple documents and activities side by side in the work area using tabs and splitters. Given these convenience functionalities in JupyterLab, we will only provide the support for JupyterLab and you might encounter unexpected behaviors if you use AISpace2 in Jupyter Notebook. According to the documentation, JupyterLab will eventually replace the classic Jupyter Notebook (see here). For more information, please refer to the official documentations.

Jupyter Notebook Interface
Jupyter Notebook Interface
JupyterLab Interface
JupyterLab Interface

How can I change Python code?

Most Python code that is imported in the notebooks is located in /aipython/ directory. Whenever you make a change to the Python files in it, you need to restart the kernel to let the change take effect.

Location of Stop Kernel button
Click the button to restart the kernel in JupyterLab

How can I change frontend?

Code controlling frontend behavior is located in /js/ directory. Whenever you make a change to the files in it, you need to recompile them by running:

npm run update-lab-extension
jupyter labextension install

in /js/ directory. After recompiling, you need to refresh the page.

(Or, for Windows, simply right click on the frontend-update scripts FrontendUpdateScriptsWindows.bat inside the /installScripts/ directory and choose Run as administrator.)

What's and how to use display()?

In short, display() is a function that works like a print statement but with the first argument, level, representing a display level. display() sends the message, which consists of the rest parameters after level, to the Jupyter widget and displays it. It will also pause the execution if needed.

The level of each display() call is either 1, 2, 3 or 4, specifying how "important" the message is. It may also be interpreted as a level of "specificity": 1 means very general, such as the algorithm has finished, and 4 means very specific, such as some very minor algorithmic detail. level, together with the botton you clicked, controls whether the execution should pause at this display() call. Fine Step button makes the execution pause each time a display() call is encountered; Step button makes the execution pause each time a display() call with level=2 or lower is encoutered; Auto Solve button makes the exectution not pause at all.

You can safely change the level of pre-defined display() calls to adjust the amount of detail you receive. However, keep in mind that the visualization is entirely driven by the remaining parameters of the display() call (see corresponding Displayable classes), so modifying them may break the visualization. For example, when running search algorithms usieng Step button, the execution will not pause they it is exporing a node's neighbours. This is because the corresponding display() call (line 18) in search() in the class Searcher defined in /aipython/searchGeneric.py has level=3:

def search(self):
    """returns (next) path from the problem's start node
    to a goal node.
    Returns None if no path exists.
    self.display(2, "Ready")
    while not self.empty_frontier():
        path = self.frontier.pop()
        self.display(2, "Expanding: ", path, "(cost: ", path.cost,")")
        self.num_expanded += 1
        if self.problem.is_goal(path.end()):    # solution found
            self.display(1, "Solution found: ", path,
                            "(cost: ", path.cost, ")")
            self.solution = path   # store the solution found
            neighs = self.problem.neighbors(path.end())
            self.display(3, "Neighbors are", neighs)
            for arc in reversed(neighs):
                self.add_to_frontier(Path(path, arc))
            self.display(3, "Frontier: ", self.frontier)
    self.display(1, "No more solutions. Total of",
                    self.num_expanded, "paths expanded.")

You can change it to 2 and now you can see the execution pause, showing the neighbours, when you click the Step button. However, you should not change anything following the level parameter ("Neighbors are", neighs in this case).

You can also add your own display() calls to print out some information you want. If you are creating your own display() call, feel free to edit the rest parameters after level. You can pass in an object or a string, just like normal print statements. The display() will print out all the rest parameters connected by a whitespace. For example, lines 19 and 20 in search() add new paths to the frontier. If you want to see which arcs are exactly iterated in the loop, you can add a display() call after line 19:

for arc in reversed(neighs):
    self.display(2, "The arc being explored is: ", arc)
    self.add_to_frontier(Path(path, arc))

Now you can see the widget print the arc information each time it adds a new arc into frontier when you click the Step button:

display() prints new information
The arc added is printed

If you want to modify display(), it is a member function of the class StepDOMWidget defined in /aispace2/jupyter/stepdomwidget.py. StepDOMWidget inherits from the class DOMWidget and controls the Jupyter widget for visualizations that you can step through. display() is overwritten in its various subclasses Displayable defined in /aispace2/jupyter/*.py, where * depends on the algorithm being visualized (e.g. * can be search or csp).

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